Nic Tsai 的个人资料

Love! Africa: A Better Tomorrow

3月14日晚,非洲國家歷史上最嚴重的氣旋之一「伊代」登陸東非,給東非地區帶來了巨大的破壞。颶風給莫桑比克、津巴布韋和馬拉維帶來了災難性的破壞。在東南部非洲已有1 000多人喪生,估計僅在莫桑比克就有185萬人流離失所。佛教慈濟基金會的創辦人成嚴法師立即展開救援行動,以確保災民的平安與安寧。慈濟已透過緊急救援、中期房屋計劃及長期重建計劃,協助超過59,000名災民。堅持「先到後走」的精神。,慈濟志工發誓要幫助有需要的人,重建家園,直到他們能重新站起來。所有照片均由慈濟志工拍攝。


On the night of March 14th, Cyclone Idai, one of the worst cyclones in the history of African countries, touched down and brought terrible destruction to the East Africa. The cyclone brought catastrophic damage to Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. Over 1,000 people have perished in southeast Africa, and an estimated 1.85 million people have been displaced in Mozambique alone. Master Cheng Yen, the founder of Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, initiated relief programs immediately to ensure the safety and peace of mind of the affected residents. Tzu Chi has provided assistance to more than 59,000 affected residents through emergency relief, mid-term housing projects and long-term rebuilding programs. Upholding the spirit of being “The first to arrive, the last to leave.”, Tzu Chi volunteers vowed to help the needy and to rebuild their homes until the people could stand on their feet again. All photos taken by Tzu Chi Volunteers.

Love! Africa: A Better Tomorrow is a photo exhibition, the exhibit captured the stories of the people who are the most impacted by Cyclone Idai and how Tzu Chi Volunteers are helping them fighting after it. As a young volunteer in Tzu Chi, I am responsible for photo selection, exhibition layout and exhibition vision.

The photos and stories helped to see the impact, and drive people to engage.
Love! Africa: A Better Tomorrow


Love! Africa: A Better Tomorrow
