Cassandra Walsh's profile

FlyUX - Concept Project | UX Design Institute Diploma

Nov 2018 to July 2019
Professional Diploma in UX Design
with The UX Design Institute, Dublin, Ireland.

Online course, video based content and practical projects based around a single case study titled, FlyUX - a fictional airline.
The course covered all areas of the UX Process which provides the necessary skills and knowledge to become a UX Designer no matter your current background.

The course was split into two defined study paths - Mobile or Desktop, students were required to focus on one of the paths to allow for flexibility in people pursuing
specific career paths essentially. I decided to undertake both of the paths because for me both were equally as important and being a Visual Designer I am to be
equipped to be able to design for any device.

Research - Analysis - User Goals & Flows - Structure & Navigation - Interactions - Design Principles & Patterns - Mobile - Workflows -  Prototyping & Wire-framing

Starting off the first half of this presentation is a sample of work from the last 4 projects I did as part of the course. This is where aesthetic design came into play and
being a Visual Designer, this is the part of the course I enjoyed the most and was able to push my skills. The following high fidelity prototype visuals are not a complete
airline website concept design, this is because the project called for only the flight booking process to be prototyped. I did push the prototype out from that requirement
to do any possible screens/areas that may have been used before searching and booking a flight. There was the option to choose the level of fidelity and I chose to go
with high but it is not fully designed because it is only a prototype and it should resemble the finished product to a degree.The key is to know when to stop, to not get lost
in the aesthetics so ones doesn't loose sight of the main focus and problem in which this product prototype was to solve. I also didn't want to forget about all I had learned
to date and so made sure to try stay on track with focusing on navigation and structure along with interaction design and usability etc.
(*working prototypes embedded into this presentation - figma)

For the second half of this, I display some of the work I did for the first 9 modules of the course which mainly focused on Research & Analysis.
**more detailed description of the complete process relating to the case study itself coming soon!

From start to finish the case study had the following tasks/projects undertaken;
Research - Usability tests on competitive products. Depth Interviews, Online Survey, Competitive Benchmarking.
Analysis - Affinity Diagrams, Customer Journey Maps, User Flows.
Design - Structure & Navigation, Hierarchy & Layout Considerations, Interaction Design Sketches and Workflows, Prototyping & Wireframing for a finish.

Research & Analysis Phase

There was also usability tests, depth interviews and competitive benchmarking undertaken.

FlyUX - Concept Project | UX Design Institute Diploma

FlyUX - Concept Project | UX Design Institute Diploma

Professional Diploma in UX Design with The UX Design Institute, Dublin, Ireland. Online course, video based content and practical projects based Read More
