Training the “mind” through a clothing collection 
exclusively designed for pilates

The story

Having many years of experience in physical exercise, creator of ‘noos’ pilates collection decide that it was high time to start her own pilates clothing collection specially designed for the needs of those who choose that kind of exercise. The task was a clothing brand that provides convenience and freedom of movements while exercising, offering an airy sense. Putting ourselves in the position of those who are interested in that kind of exercise and understanding their needs, we took in the emotions that coming out from a free movement –freedom, well-being, harmony– that had to be ideally conveyed. Being aware of the purpose and carefully listening to the creator’s ideas and concerns the time for co-design had come. We did complete research collecting every possible element and moved on the process of naming, logotype design and brand’s visual identity. 

The name

Talking about such a special kind of exercise that totally combines mind, spirit and body balance and harmony respecting the gains that offer to human, we had to do great research. Finally, we came up with the word “nous” of ancient Greek vocabulary, written as “noos” in English. The word written with two ‘o’ refers to the complete harmony of mind, body and spirit, while means ‘genius’ by the meaning of ‘sophisticated - intelligent’ at the same time. 

The logo and brand identity

According to the direction we have defined for brand’s logotype it should convey the feeling of an airy sense, balance and flexibility. Firstly, to convey balance we created handwriting constituted by perfectly round letters with a characteristic detail between latter ‘o’ and ‘s’ that is like the one leans against another. Likewise, the airy feeling appears between the letters, because of ‘o’ that seems like floating on a gap. Flexibility appears crystal clear by letter ‘n’ that seems to unfolds. The logotype has applied on clothing tags and also on every piece of the clothing collection proving the brand’s quality. 

Noos Pilates Wear
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Noos Pilates Wear

Training the “mind” through a clothing collection exclusively designed for pilates

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