
Based in Athens, Greece, Momad is an independent brand that produces handmade jewellery. Momad has an unmistakable style that is both minimal and eclectic.
The brand was in need of a strong and memorable signature, one that could transcend
both time and trend.

The Characters

Irini Kolokitha is the founder of Momad, as well as the brand’s designer.

Irini began her career as a jewellery designer soon after she became a mother. She found that being a Mum
had stirred an insatiable desire to create; to give life to something completely brand new.

So Irini decided to conduct some personal research, so that she could discover a form of expression that combined her need for art with her passion to create.
It wasn’t long before she realised that designing jewellery was the perfect answer.

The Plot

‘Momad’ is a portmanteau of ‘Mom got Mad’ – an imaginative word that perfectly expresses the craziness Irini felt when she created something new, and of falling in love with the art of creation itself.
I loved the way this unique word expresses Irini’s incredible passion and attitude in the signature of her brand!
So my first step was to analyse the style of Irini's jewellery, the material she used, and the techniques she applied.

I then carried out some fascinating research on Greek symbolism and ancient Greek jewellery design,
because some of these images had been revisited by Irini in her collections.
The result of this extensive study was a very unique and original symbol for Momad, created from letters
that compose the brand’s name.

The brand symbol is an anthropomorphic shape, with a head, hands and a focal point made from the letter "o".
I called this special spot the "belly", because it not only represents the act of creation that inspired Irini to begin her new career, but also the gestation period of an idea, and the natural energy that guides any form of artistic expression.

The brand signature was also conceived in a way that could be reproduced as a piece of jewellery itself, either as a pendant, or as part of Irini's designs.
This modern and complex symbol was then paired with a more minimal and simple logotype, one that fully represents the pure aesthetic of Irini's creations.

Once the signature was finalised, Irini and I studied a series of introductory elements that could be used with her products: business cards, informative cards, and tags.
Perhaps surprisingly, the most difficult part of this process was the tags. Irini needed a series that could be used for the majority of her pieces, so that she wouldn’t have to keep printing different ones.

Inspired by my love for origami (an art form I find similar to jewellery design as it creates something precious and refined from a very simple material, paper), I designed some unique and eye-catching little labels that Irini used with all of her jewellery.
I ensured that the tags were very easy for Irini to assemble and adjust. They proved to be very useful in retail settings, as the tags identify the Momad brand, standing it proudly apart from others.

The Results

Momad's new brand was successfully launched during the Fashion Fair 2018 held in Athens.
The new signature and the beautiful collections Irini created for the occasion attracted many new wholesale customers and jewellery enthusiasts alike.

Today, Irini’s brand continues to thrive with even more inspiration and success, and you’ll find Momad products gracing many boutiques around Greece and its islands.




A minimal and eclectic branding for the Greek jewellery brand, Momad
