For the third consecutive year, the musical collective Sinuose asked us to design the poster to advertise Sotoko Hotsak. The musical styles of the new edition bore little relation between them (from electronic minimalism to basque folk samplers or industrial noise) so we decided that the best we could do was to try to represent a single concept.

After thinking about how to combine all these different styles we concluded that a bird would be a good player for this year's poster. Of course, given the alternative nature of the festival, it was obvious that the bird couldn't be a robin, a goldfinch or a canary because they have a birdsong that we all have ever heard as well as being strongly associated with the musical tradition of the last centuries. Of course, if Sotoko Hotsak is marked by something is to be a festival in wich the patterns and traditions are put aside, giving way to new ways of creating music.

That said, we thinked that the star of the poster had to be a crow and his trademark caw. It is almost certain that this birds don't have the same of followers that goldfinches, but they're not less interesting with their different "singing". So we draw a crow cawing and we posed it over the type composition we had done. After taking into account that the concerts are at night, we use a dark blue for the background and gave all the attention to the animal putting a circle of light behind that may be the moon or a spotlight.
Sotoko Hotsak '10

Sotoko Hotsak '10

Poster for Sotoko Hotsak '10.
