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Poster for 1003 bookstore in "Asia as Fiction"

Poster for bookstore “1003”
in “Asia as Fiction”
Organized by YELLOW PAGES, curated by curator Tetsuya Goto, Asia as Fiction is a poster exhibition under theme “Imagination” by young East Asia graphic designers and design students.

Participants from Seoul, Shanghai, Osaka, Taiwan and Hong Kong design posters for bookstores and restaurants presenting at KITAKAGAYA FLEA & ASIA BOOK MARKET which they have never been to. 

Designers have no contact with their assigned shops and restaurants, all they could do is researching online and design with their imaginations. The theme for the exhibition has a purpose to reimagine our living place –– “Asia” as well. 


由YELLOW PAGES 策劃、後藤哲也策展、“Asia as Fiction” 是一個由年輕的東亞平面設計師和設計學生組成、以 “想像力” 為主題的海報展。 來自首爾、上海、大阪、台北與香港的設計師,各自為他們從沒到訪、但於 KITAKAGAYA FLEA & ASIA BOOK MARKET 中出展的書店或餐館設計海報。設計師既不會與店家聯絡、也沒有任何關於海報內容的資料,充其量只可以於網上搜尋、用他們的想像力去設計海報。

Asia as Fiction” 這主題亦與我們居住的地區名稱「亞洲」有關。「亞洲」一詞源自西歐,用來稱呼歐洲以東的所有地方,我們常常思考,這個名詞的定義是否恰當?什麼是亞洲?日本、韓國、台灣、中國也同是「亞洲」嗎?如果我們想打破這個曖昧的含義、並重新定義亞洲,何不設計一張海報?
"1003" is the secondhand bookstore in Kobe Motomachi, Japan. 
Asia as Fiction installation view, photo by Tetsuya Goto.
Poster for 1003 bookstore in "Asia as Fiction"


Poster for 1003 bookstore in "Asia as Fiction"

Poster for group exhibition in Japan with designers from Asia.
