Altum Aqua is my personal brand for my hypothetical fish store focused on aquascaping. Aquascaping is the arrangement of wood, plants, and rocks within an aquarium. Altum Aqua is a branded store experience that caters to those dedicated to aquascaping and advanced fish keeping, in contrast with most common fish stores which cater to a more general audience. 

The name Altum Aqua comes from the altum angelfish, one of the more renowned freshwater fish amongst the hobby. Tall and elegant, they stand above other fish as one of the mainstays of the aquarium trade.
Display cards for both fish and plant species, containing care information as well as pricing within the store display aquarium.
Store and Merch Applications
Poster Applications
Altum Aqua


Altum Aqua

Altum Aqua is an aquascaping focused fish store brand that strives to bring high quality materials and supplies to hobbyists advanced in the hobb Read More
