Profil appartenant à Kirsty Alexander

Hey Good Looking! Feel Good Drinks Company

As part of the YCN Design Awards, this project was based around encouraging a feel good feeling amongst the target audience of the Feel Good Drinks company as 2 out of 5 of their target audience are unaware of their existence.

For my campaign, I decided to create a series of motion posters with feel good sayings and compliments aimed at targeting those bypassing the posters in shopping centres, train stations and other public places. Each poster takes a snapshot and focuses in on one member of the public as they near the poster and then flashes up with a compliment/saying in order to make the passer by smile and feel good about themselves as nowadays a lot of people appear too busy to smile or make conversation with a passer by.
In order to push the brand, and create constant awareness I also created a series of environmental photo features where speech bubbles would be used in the brand typeface in order to link in with the motion posters and boost awareness as well as moral amongst the public!
Don't tell me you wouldn't appreciate somebody calling you good looking on a down day!
If anyone has any feedback on this project it would be greatly appreciated as I am looking to go back and work on it again when I have the time, possibly with a different style to the motion poster storyboards. Feel free to email with any feedback or comments as well as via this site. Thanks very much.
Hey Good Looking! Feel Good Drinks Company
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Hey Good Looking! Feel Good Drinks Company

A response to the YCN design competition, where students were asked to try and raise awareness for Feel Good Drinks company with a positive fun a Lire la suite

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