Rachel Policano 的个人资料

Spring Break in Menomonie

Spring Break in Menomonie
Stoutonia Vol. 103, No. 11 (March 7, 2013)
Spring break—a college student’s favorite week of the school year. And for some of us here at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, it means the chance to get away from the boring, cold slums of Wisconsin. Flying off to places with exotic plants and an overabundance of sunshine, some students are preparing for a week of relaxation with drinks in hand, trading their pasty skin for a sun-soaked tan and having a grand ol’ time.
…But what about the rest of us? What about those of us who are stuck in Wisconsin or merely going back to Minnesota, Illinois or any of the other surrounding states that are still generally snow-covered?
After we’re done taking a few minutes to be jealous of the people going on the Stout Adventures surfing trip to SoCal, the study abroad service trip to Grenada, or the waterski team’s trip to Georgia, here are some options for us less-fortunate souls.
Work ahead on your classes
Despite classes and homework being the very last things you want to do, you know it’s in the back of your mind the entire time you’re on spring break. Whether it’s completing an assignment due right after spring break or getting a good start on a project due at the end of the semester (that you know you’re going to put off until the last minute anyways), every little bit you do over break counts. You’ll probably be thanking yourself later.
Okay, now that that one’s over with, onward with the some more enjoyable ideas.
DVD Marathon All Day, Everyday!
Remember that pile of television shows you haven’t been able to watch for a while, movie series you never had the time to watch end-to-end, or movies you’ve been meaning to see in theaters? Well they are all calling your name. What better time to show them some love than over spring break? If you prefer to go to theaters, “The Call,” “The Incredible Burt Wonderstone,” “Admission,” “Love and Honor,” “Olympus Has Fallen,” “Spring Breakers” and “The Croods” all have release dates during UW-Stout’s spring break. You can even make an event of it with your friends or family.
Take Mini-Trips
And, by that, I mean around Menomonie, Wis; Eau Claire, Wis; the Twin Cities or any of the other places within realistic distance. There aren’t any palm trees or beaches around here, but there are more than enough attractions to keep us busy while we’re stuck in the Midwest. Spend a day at the Mall of America or any of the various museums in Minneapolis. Better yet, head to Action City in Eau Claire, Wis. for games and entertainment. Even the hidden gem of Crystal Cave in Spring Valley, Wis. is open this time of year. There are many fun and interesting things to do and see in the area if you just take the time to find them.
Complete projects for yourself
No, I’m not talking about projects for a class. I’m talking about those projects you’ve wanted to do for yourself but school got in the way of you doing it. Spring break is a better time than ever to complete those projects and feel a sense of accomplishment. And you know how much you love that feeling.
Some Honorable Mentions:
• Catch up on reading – as in the “reading for pleasure” kind of reading, not out of a textbook
• Start planning for your summer break
• Spring cleaning!
• Update your resume and apply for internships
• Explore your surroundings, which can mean outdoor activities or be as simple as getting acquainted/reacquainted with the city you’ve been occupying for the last however many months or years.
Despite the typical idea of spring break, there’s no requirement that says you have to spend a lot of money (which most of us college students don’t possess) to have a good time over, nor does it have to be spent at a beach in order for it to be successful. Whether you spend the time relaxing, being productive or packing it full of entertainment, your spring break is what you make it.
So make it count no matter where you are this year.
What it looked like in print:
Spring Break in Menomonie

Spring Break in Menomonie

Article written for the Entertainment section of the Stoutonia, University of Wisconsin-Stout's student newspaper, that came out March 7, 2013.
