Chicks Night Out! An Ode to Women
Stoutonia Vol. 103, No. 12 (April 4, 2013)
Sorry guys, this one’s just for the ladies!
Gather your girl friends (or any women you know) and enjoy a night out on the town for Chicks Night Out, Main Street of Menomonie, Inc.’s first lady-centered event of the year. The event will take place Thursday, April 11 from 3 to 8pm. Joanie Dulin, Executive Director of Main Street of Menomonie, Inc., discusses more about the event.
“Chicks Night Out is one of three Ladies Night Out events that [we] organize with individual businesses in downtown Menomonie,” Dulin says. “The events have become very popular and bring hundreds of ladies to downtown Menomonie.”
Participating businesses for this spring’s night out range from clothing and accessories stores such as Cherry Pickers and Iris Boutique to food locations such as Ted’s Pizza, Zanzibar Restaurant, and TheVagabond Bakery… and everything in between. We all know what the streets of Menomonie have to offer, and this event is a perfect excuse to visit all the shops in one night. Some will even have free events, such as a free beading class at A’Cute Bead.
And if you do, in fact, visit each of the 24 participating stores, there are prizes involved.
“Each of the participating stores will have drawing slips available for ladies to register for prizes on that day between 3 and 8pm, so they have the opportunity to sign up 24 times” states Dulin. “The raffle prizes are all donated by the participating businesses [and] it is a variety of items including everything from gift certificates, to hair products, books, and gift baskets. Currently [the prizes] can be seen in the window of Legacy Chocolates.”
Chicks Night Out will also include “snacking” as it is called on their flyers and press releases. Nourishment will be provided in the form of food (including a free nacho buffet) and drink specials. To top it all off, women will be able to save money on “surprise or mystery sales.”
So … we have shopping… we have food and drinks… and we have prizes. What could make this night out even better? Oh, yes, you guessed it - The UW-Stout football team.
“We will again be having members of the UW-Stout football team opening doors for the ladies,” Dulin explains. “We have had the football players open doors in April the past few years … This cooperation came with the UW-Stout Athletics having a desire to be more involved with the community with their teams. What lady doesn’t appreciate a handsome young man opening the doors for her while she’s shopping?”
Sandy Ott, owner of MsEllaneous, initiated the Ladies Night Out events, now in their sixth year, as an “event to highlight downtown Menomonie and [its] awesome businesses.” The three Ladies Night Out events that take place throughout the year include:
            Chicks Night Out – April 11
            Ladies Night Out – July 11
            and Witches Night Out – October 24 (featuring the UW-Stout hockey players)
                        All from 3-8pm
What it looked like in print:
Chicks Night Out

Chicks Night Out

Article written for the Entertainment section of the Stoutonia, University of Wisconsin-Stout's student newspaper, that came out April 4, 2013.


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