To help the Indian urban parents of children up to 12yrs old know about good food.

NINA (Nestlé India Nutrition Assistant) is a voice enabled virtual nutrition expert that is embedded on Nestlé's website, “asknestle.in” and accessible via Google Assistant App on phones.
To access the service, download Google Assistant on your mobile, open the app, press the mic button and speak “Ask Nestlé’. Nestlé NINA will then start speaking to you and will help you with nutrition basics and will generate customised meal plans for your child from birth to 12yrs.
This brand idea has been inspired by the origin of Nestle’s heritage logo - The three young birds being fed by a mother. In this case, Nestlé is symbolized as the Godmother which feeds the children the nutritious food that they need and when they need.

NINA – Your child's AI fairy Godmother

The concept of a ‘Godmother’ is derived fromNestlé’s logo of a ‘mother bird’ feeding two young birds.
A Godparent is the first person that comes to a parent’s mind when there is a situation related to the child’s health and well-being. This individual is somebody who the parent blindly trusts. This individual is usually the person closest to the parent.
Nestlé NINA