Created in an instructional design class that focused on games for training and marketing, Cameras to Cameras is a play on the popular card game "Apples to Apples". In this scenario, students were to come up with an instructional game to give to employees at a company of their choice. Using principles of instructional design, they were to create a game that would teach employees while also creating a fun learning atmosphere. 
In this game, Olympus employees would be tested on customer service utilizing the different products and their particular features. The goal of the game is to gain customer service skills and quick knowledge on the different products offered by Olympus and their draw. 

The Process
This game was prototyped many times and multiple usability tests were conducted. Created digitally, the cards were then printed and cut out to resemble playing cards. A rules document was also modified from the original "Apples to Apples" game. 
Cameras to Cameras

Cameras to Cameras
