Профиль Peter McDowell

krōma sōma | brand identity & web design

Brand Identity & Web Design

Brief: Create a company name, logo, and promotional site.

Client: Tylane Garrett, RDN, LD

About: The client specializes in personalized lifestyle plans and nutrition counseling based on a patient's unique genetic makeup, also known as nutrigenomics. Nutrigenomics is the science of molecular interactions between nutrients and genes. In terms of a wellbeing, the client is a registered dietitian and gives patient-specific diet/nutrition advice based on patients' genetic test results.
Sketches & Naming
Image Exploration

The company name is derived from the Greek roots of the word chromosomekhrōma, meaning ‘color’ and sōma, meaning ‘body’. The name is original, simplistic, easy to say, and domain available.  

The crisp shapes compose a simplified double-helix inspired by the industry’s genetic and medical background; while the seven horizontal DNA strands represent the seven ways genes impact an individual’s ability to lose weight, according to current research. 

To balance the clinical feel, rounded corners and a blue-violet hue make the mark more approachable. The Didot typeface and macron-adorned vowels give an educated yet elegant presence. 
Business Card, Social Media, Website
krōma sōma | brand identity & web design

krōma sōma | brand identity & web design

Brand identity for a nutrigenomics and dietician small business with new company name, logo, and promotional site.
