This is part of the final project for the certificate in UX Design at IADT (Institute of Art, Design + Technology).

This is the interactive wireframe I've created for the Dublin Bus app. After a user research with the commuters, I got a few pain points about the current Dublin Bus App. In this proposal, you don't need to click "Stops near me" to see where you are, and all the bus stops around you, so once you open the app, it already shows all the information you need. 

The links that before you needed to click in the menu, now they are all on the homepage, illustrated not only by the title but using icons as well. The user test with the interactive prototype showed that the design looks more intuitive. 

They knew exactly where to click, and the information was more clear to understand. The importance of the user research was essential to come up with a better design, by understanding the pain points and converting it in a better experience.

Dublin Bus App

Dublin Bus App

Wireframe Dublin Bus app

