Bottoms Up!
Drink up and live longer.
This was a personal project for an article in Time Magazine about how moderate drinkers live longer than heavy drinkers and non drinkers. I chose this problem because it presented an interesting challenge. I had to create a vignette within an irregular live area. Ive never tried anything like this and was eager to attempt something new. I also crafted this illustration with a process I have never tried before. I cut shapes out of chip board and printed them with acrylic on illustration board. I was hoping that relief printing would lend some interesting results. Needless to say, Im pleased with the end result and hope to work this way more often. My major influences were Brian Cronin and Beppe Giacobbe as I am always so intrigued by their use of "accidental" marks.

Final was done with acrylic on illustration board. Size 6" x 7". I've attached the original article along with a rendition of what the article would look like with my illustration. Im going to do this more often as I feel that the printed page will always influence how the illustration is viewed. enjoi.
Original Article
Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

Personal project for a Time Magazine article about how moderate drinkers live longest.
