Photography, Art Direction
Professor: Andrea Quam
This is a photography project I completed during my senior year in college. For this project, our class was split into groups of 2-3 people, and each group was tasked with bringing in a food item on one Monday during the semester. On those Mondays, each group would get about 10 minutes to photograph the provided food. We were allowed to arrange the food, change the lighting and use whatever props we wanted to make pleasing and interesting photographs. 
After each shoot, we had to pick our favorite photograph and write a blog post about the session by Wednesday. We were also encouraged to talk about what went right and what went wrong during the shoot and to include example pictures of each. We did this for a total of 11 weeks.
Below are some of my favorite photographs that I took during the semester. It was really fun to see my photography skills improve each week as the class went on. I also learned a lot by experimenting with my camera and by analyzing how the shoot went by recording my thoughts every week.
To view the entire project and see my thought process behind each week's photo shoot, please visit the blog at
By clicking on the name of the food shoot below each photograph, you can go directly to that image's blog post.
Food Photography

Food Photography

College photography project for practicing food photography and for improving general photography skills.
