Profil von Julien Ratel

Winter expedition in the highlands of Iceland

Winter expedition in the highlands of Iceland
Our company organise winter expeditions (ski & snowshoes trips) in the highlands of south Iceland and the natural reserve of Fjallabak, highly popular during summer for hikers and trekkers. 

In winter time, the whole area is covered with deep snow and the only access way is by using super-jeeps, modified vehicles allowing our groups to reach the mountains huts and start their adventure. 

So we try to keep the tradition and go spend one week-end during winter in one of these mountains huts. the trip can take a lot of hours depending on the quantity and quality of the snow while it take a couple of hours in summer. and the destination can always change as it happens to us during our weekend... 

First plan was to reach the mountain hut of Strútsskáli over the glacier Myrdalsjökull but the conditions made us change our plans and we ended up on the east side of Hekla Volcano in a hut called Dalakofi more accessible due to better snow conditions. 

Another magical weekend to remember...
Winter expedition in the highlands of Iceland

Winter expedition in the highlands of Iceland

a visual adventure in the highlands of Iceland during winter time.
