Yamini Gujaran 的個人檔案

Pillow - A Sleep tracking app

       Do you ever wake up feeling exhausted, even though you are sure you slept well the night before? Or do you find yourself getting that 2:30 feeling a few hours early without any clear explanation? 
   Sleep deprivation is a common problem affecting every individual at some point in their lives. Common remedies such as reading a book, watching something on a digital screen, smoking, etc to help you relax, won't help you on a long-term basis.The long term effects of sleep deprivation are real; it drains your mental abilities and puts your physical health at risk.
   Pillow for iOS is the most advanced sleep app that helps you sleep easier, wake up happier, understand how you sleep and learn what you can do to improve it. With this app for you can get detailed analysis of your nightly slumber.

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App in various ​​​​​​​
   App in Mobile screen
App screens
   App in various Apple devices
Pillow - A Sleep tracking app

Pillow - A Sleep tracking app
