Sherwood Forest must be one of the most famous areas of woodland in the UK, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each year from around the world, you can even do the short walk from the visitor centre to the Major Oak on Google Street View now, but even on the busiest days there are large areas where you can walk for hours barely seeing another person.
I wanted to show that there’s more to be found when you get off the main footpaths and explore some of the hidden corners of the forest, within 30 minutes walk from a crowded visitor centre you can be on your own in a peaceful woodland or a vast open heath.
This started in December 2016 and turned into a yearlong project, with around 25 visits to different areas of the forest producing a series of 100 images.
At the start of 2018 I was lucky enough to have a book published by the fantastic Kozu Books, containing a series of images from the project. This was a limited run of 100 copies which has since sold out.
This is the layout from the book.

You can see more at
All my images are available to order as open edition prints


Layout from my 2018 book focusing on a yearlong project captured around Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire, published by Kozu Books.
