The Paperback Sessions is a series of events with the intention to cultivate connections devoid of the digital, instead based on the common love of creative endeavours. Divided into chapters, the Paperback Sessions is an extension of Bliss’s continued efforts to push for inclusivity, diversity and inspiration.

The paper crane, the main symbol chosen to visually communicate the idea of ‘craft’ and the ‘analogue’, is formed by the letters ‘P’ and ‘B’. The custom-made ‘Paperback’ wordmark was designed to emulate rough paper cutouts, which in turn were hung from virtual strings to further reinforce the idea of ‘hand-made’. A mono-spaced typeface was appropriately chosen as a throw-back to the days of typewriters, while the colour scheme was restricted to black and white to give space to the featured visual art.

Bliss Paperback Sessions Identity


Bliss Paperback Sessions Identity

The Paperback Sessions is a series of events with the intention to cultivate connections devoid of the digital, instead based on the common love Rozwiń
