Perfil de Sarah Tan

Unrealistic Standards

Unrealistic Standards
"According to a new report commissioned by Dove, 89 % of Australian women are opting to cancel plans or important engagements simply because of how they look. 77 % of Australians blaming “unrealistic standards” set by media and advertising as one of the biggest problems." 
Vanessa Brown,
TEDxTeen and Adobe Project 1324 challenge emerging creatives 13 – 24 years old to upload a photo that creates dialogue about an issue impacting your community, like climate change, access to education or human rights.
Body image issue is a growing concern in our society, it can cause low self esteem, stress, eating disorders and even suicide among women and girls. 

With this, I aim to create dialogue on the detrimental effects of body image issue with a tape measure acting as a noose.

Firstly, I started sketching out a few concepts on how to communicate the topic with pen and paper. Then I prepared the props - a string as the noose and a fitness magazine. Next, I set up the space and photographed the photo with Nuhan Zainal's help.Lastly, I edited the photo on Adobe Lightroom, added in the tape measure, and manipulated the colours using Adobe Photoshop. 
Skills Involved
Ideation, Art Direction, Image Editing, Photo Manipulation, Graphic Design.   
I was selected as one of the 10 finalists out of 343 submissions. 

I was given the opportunity by Adobe and TedXTeen to show why I should be selected as the one of the 5 winners, I created a website to show my enthusiam.

Although I didn't make it into the top 5 and attend the TedXTeen 2017 conference in New York, I learned that photography can be a powerful tool to shine a light on social issues.

Thank you TedXTeen and Adobe Project 1324 for organising this amazing initiative!   
Unrealistic Standards

Unrealistic Standards

Creating dialogue on the detrimental effects of body image expectations and the pressure placed on women through photography.
