Profil appartenant à James Round

Podcast Illustrations Vol. 1


Podcast Illustrations Vol. 1


A selection of illustrations inspired by some of my favourite podcasts and their best episodes.

One of the best parts of being a designer is getting to listen to podcasts all day!

I've been wanting to do a series of illustrations depicting some of my favourite shows for ages, so I'm super happy to have finally got around to it. This set features illustrations of This American Life, The Memory Palace, Reply All, Love + Radio and 99% Invisible.

No. 1 / The Memory Palace - Craning

This episode recalls the launch of Apollo 11, and what it must have been like standing among those watching history being made on July 16, 1969.

No. 2 / Reply All - All My Pets

Taylor Nicole Dean was a self-described shut-in, a teenager who lived in her parents' home, surrounded by exotic pets. And then she started making videos on YouTube.

No. 3 / Love + Radio - The Living Room

Diane’s new neighbors across the way never shut their curtains, and that was the beginning of an intimate, but very one-sided relationship.

No. 4 / This American Life - In the Shadow of the City

Out for a simple pleasure cruise with two friends, Alex Zharov was planning to see Jamaica Bay in New York City. But this end-of-the-day excursion, which should have only lasted 40 minutes, turns into an out-of-control adventure that left him lost, stranded, and bleeding...all within sight of the Empire State Building.

No. 5 / 99% Invisible - Ten Thousand Years

In 1990, the federal government invited a group of  geologists, linguists, astrophysicists, architects, artists, and writers to the New Mexico desert, to visit the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. They would be there on assignment...

Thanks for looking!


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Podcast Illustrations Vol. 1
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Podcast Illustrations Vol. 1

A selection of illustrations inspired by some of my favourite podcasts and their best episodes.

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