Cameron Davidson 的個人檔案

A flight across the Southern California desert

Personal landscape shot while flying over the Southern California desert.  I was directing an aerial video plus shooting stills for a campaign involving a train crossing the desert.  This image along with the others was shot along the way to the rendezvous point.
Personal landscape shot while flying over the Southern California desert.  I was directing an aerial video plus shooting stills for a campaign involving a train crossing the desert.  This image along with the others was shot along the way to the rendezvous point.
Personal landscape shot while flying over the Southern California desert.  I was directing an aerial video plus shooting stills for a campaign involving a train crossing the desert.  This image along with the others was shot along the way to the rendezvous point.  All Nikon cameras with either the 18mm or 24-70mm lens.
This image and the remaining photographs were shot after we shot the video and stills of the train.  These were made on our return trip to the base in San Diego.  These images were shot with my Hasselblad H2 and the normal 80mm F/2.8 HC lens.  The H2 was mated with a Leaf Aptus 75 digital back. Additionally I used my Kenyon -Labs KS-8 gyroscope to stabilize the camera.
Dunes south of Interstate 10.
A Wash below a ridgeline.
North slope of a ridge with no vegetation.
Wash with channels from rains.
Wash with channels from rains.
A flight across the Southern California desert


A flight across the Southern California desert

Personal aerials of the Southern California desert shot while on a dual video/still aerial shoot.
