Profil appartenant à Eric Gorodetsky

"A Walk In The Park" - Friends of the Public Garden

Idea: Create an app that engages tourists and residents with a deeper understanding of the Public Garden. Using iBeacons, the app pinpoints a visitor's location to within a few feet, and provides a private audio tour based on landmarks nearby.

Role: Concepting

Creative Directors: Bob Gates and Scott Noble
Junior Copywriter: Gordo
Art Director: Wes Dorsainvil, Kar-Kate Leung

2015 Appy Awards: Finalist (Mapping/Location-Based)

"New Boston Public Garden App Offers Interactive Tours." Boston Magazine. 17 April 2015.
"Boston Public Garden Launches Self-Guided Audio Tour App." MediaPost. 3 June 2015.
"A Walk In The Park" - Friends of the Public Garden
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"A Walk In The Park" - Friends of the Public Garden

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