Texas has many thunderstorms each year, often proceeded by a slow march of towering Cumulonimbus cells across the broad reach of prairie  I have always been fascinated by these clouds. The sheer size and awe inspiring lightening.  This shot, slightly put out of phase in Photoshop, is one system that came through last summer. You could look down a corridor of heeaped clouds, watching as smaller formations scudded by.
Kylemore Abby in the Connemarra of NW Ireland dates back to the Middle Ages.  This view, one I found on a postcard, was to irresistable to pass up. The hedgerow of holly bushes has been removed from the foreground to better show the reflection of the abbey in the water.  This was taken with a Chinnon CMP7 using ISO 400 Kodachrome film, C-47 processed film negative.
This is a sunset at Fall Brook, located just south of Geneseo, NY. The film was C-47 processed, then the image was printed digitally from the negative.  Brought into Photoshop CS5, it was then processed through the Liquify tool to create the "spikey crowning". The lens flair is part of the original photography.
This is one of the first photographs I took of my wife Christine. She was waiting for the flight back to Texas, and I put a star filter on the camera. This is taken with ISO800 Tri-X B/W film, and then brought into Photoshop where the star-burst was given its color.
Taken on the winter solistice in Lanexa, Virginia, this cried out for manipulation. Using only the Liquify tool in PhotoShop, this Phoenix rises out of the fire of the setting solistice sunset to be reborn as the coming spring.
This photograph of a stormy sunset in Fort Worth, Texas is overlaid with the words to the song "Taps", and a photograph from iStockphoto of a military flag presentation.
On a Pre-K picnic a few years ago, the kids began a wild game of tag. This young girl went sprinting by me, and I caught her in mid-stride. In my artisist's eye, it captures all of the exuberance of the kids at play.
When my day ends, in Fort Worth, I often see the sunsets over my back fence. They are paintings that only my lens can capture with this element of... Peace.
First attempt at photographing "fireworks, using techniques learned at Art Institute of Fort Worth. My belief remains that a designer must try to master as many ways as possible for rendering. By diversity (Photography, Illustration, Sketching, Drawing, and Painting) an graphic designer is better able to capture the needs of a prospective client. This is WHY I choose to push myself to learn and master different techniques.
One morning, in San Diego, when I was waiting for a store to open, I noticed this man sleeping between the lines, in a parking space, like a parked car.  I saw humor, and heartache at the same time.
Mom's Cybidium orchids. A perfect chance to catch a small insect climbing through the pure white blooms.  I can shoot from this close (less than 10 inches), almost as well as I can shoot the evening skies.
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Photography from using Tri-X ISO400 film, up to and including the use of ADOBE PhotoShop

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