Cellini's is located in New York City, NY. Just six blocks south of Central Park, it offers Tuscan recipes in a rustic athmosphere. This is what I envisioned as a logo. I like to experiment with redesigning logos, and this offered me a chance to try creating a woodblock printing technique.
My fellow classmate, Baird Clinkscales, and I were assigned to do a campaign for a Jewish Film Festival. together, we came up with this team completed piece.
This is the AAFES Freedom's Exchange logo. It represents the American Spirit, longing for a taste of home when they are deployed overseas, far from their family.
The City of Benbrook, TX. is centered on Lake Benbrook. Often you can see sailboats on the lake during Summer. The current logo is three sails abstracted over a circle. Just for fun, I wanted to try and update it.
The Texas Civil War Museum has won recognition as the largest private collection of artifacts in the U.S. As part of the 150th Sequicentenial of the Civil War, The Gettysburg National Battlefield Park's museum asked Mr. Richey to contribute to "Treasures of the Civil War" exhibition. Mr. Richey asked me to bring the museum's logo up to date. This is the completed design which has become of official trademarked logo for the museum.


Logos, Illustrations,Photography
