In the class Visual Storytelling 2, students are required to write a 4-page script then find 4 different ways to draw it out. Here are my four passes, as well as two penciled covers and one inked cover to go with the story.
My script is based out of Judge 4 from the Old Testament. The commander of the Canaanite army, Sisera, sees that his army is being defeated by the Israelites. Fearful, he flees the battle and comes to Jael's tent for refuge. Sisera had done dealings with Jael's husband, so he thinks he will be safe...
This final pass is not finished the pencils; it is just tight roughs. I put them here to show the changes in storytelling from the third pass to here.
Visual Storytelling 2

Visual Storytelling 2

This project is a collection of 4 different versions of the same story drawn for Visual Storytelling 2 at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Rozwiń
