Edward J. White Jr. さんのプロファイル

The Birds directed by Steven Spielberg

The Birds directed by Steven Spielberg [Dreamworks, Universal]
He wants the birds to be computer generated for long-wide shots, and practical when they are up close. He wants Scarlett Johansson to play Melanie Daniels, and Chris Pratt to play Mitch Brenner. He wants Susan Sarandon to play Annie Hayworth, and he wants Julianna Moore to play Melanie's sister, "a new character". He wants it to be filmed on Martha's Vineyard, and he would want to have Robins, Seagulls, Black Crows, Blue Jays, Cardinals, Hummingbirds, Bald Eagles, Vultures, Sparrows, Spotted Harrier Hawks, Falcons, Peacocks, and Chimney Swifts. He wants there to be a score by Steven Price, and Cinematography by Emmanuel Lubezki. He wants Steven Spielberg to direct.
"I love how I never have a cigar when I need one."
The Birds directed by Steven Spielberg
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The Birds directed by Steven Spielberg

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