Profil von Edward J. White Jr.

The Ballroom directed by David Fincher

The Ballroom directed by David Fincher [Sony]
What you hear is a group of 3 men, and 5 women, planning the excommunication of a family (cast out due to calligraphy) during an 18th Century Ball, while what you see is the plan being carried out 100 years later at a 19th Century Banquet. People argue. Things don't go exactly as planned.

Voice Over:
Anne Hathaway
Jennifer Lawrence
Scarlett Johannson
Toni Collette
Gwenyth Paltrow
Christian Bale
Russell Crowe
Tom Cruise

The Dewart Family:
James Marsden
Halle Berry
Zoe Saldana
Jodie Foster
Sissy Spacek
Clint Eastwood

Jessica Biel is the reason it all goes wrong.
The Ballroom directed by David Fincher

The Ballroom directed by David Fincher

