Profil Edward J. White Jr.

The Honeymoon directed by Darren Aronofsky

The Honeymoon directed by Darren Aronofsky [Paramount Pictures]
Act I

Kim Cattrall plays Samantha Hellington, a woman who goes on her honeymoon getaway with her wedded husband, Henry, played by Kip Federline, to Del Ray Beach, Florida. They check into the Carlton Royal, make love for the first time, have dinner, and the husband tells his wife that he has business to attend, and will be back in a few days. Kip is working for the Italian mob in Providence, RI as a surrogate- a man set up to negotiate a transaction with a bronzer for an elite clothing store in Miami, FL. While Henry is gone, Samantha starts up a conversation with a man with a grin on his face, played by Al Pacino, sitting at another table in the hotel restaurant. He explains to her that he’s on a company retreat and needs someone to accompany him. Samantha, with nothing else to do, reluctantly agrees to go with him. Henry meets his contact on the beach near dark and as he stands along the shoreline looking out into the ocean, a man with a hat, played by Viggo Mortensen, sticks a gun to his head and tells him he has to go with him to a warehouse, with the briefcase of money in his hand. When Samantha arrives at the outdoor “ballroom”, she sees men and women of all ages sitting in chairs, and a woman at the front saying [“Come in, Come in…”] As soon as she sits down, however, her ankles and wrists are handcuffed to her chair. Henry is sacked, handcuffed, and thrown into a van where men discuss whether to kill him, or just take the money and leave him in the middle of nowhere. Henry proposes that they leave him in Orlando, because he always wanted to see Disney World. As she starts to sweat, and the people around her start to chant [“Hail Satan!”], Samantha realizes she is being forced to participate in a satanic cult that is there to sacrifice a living human being.

Based on a true story
The Honeymoon directed by Darren Aronofsky

The Honeymoon directed by Darren Aronofsky


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