Logan Garlands profil

Marana Parks & Recreation

Marana Parks & Recreation
iOS & Android Mobile App
The Marana Parks and Recreation App helps you get the most out of the great parks, trails, and programs offered throughout the community. Through the app, you can check the status of your favorite park amenities in real time, discover new trails, and sign up for one of our many great activities.
Technology & Tools

We needed to deploy an application to both Google Play & the iOS stores, but we wanted them to be as close to native as possible. We have used Ionic (cordova) in the past and has some success but wanted this app to feel native. React Native was chose to accomplish this. The tooling (create-react-native-app/expo) was a great start, but I ultimately needed to eject the project and use "vanilla" React Native. I integrated google maps using react-native-maps. This was challenging to get working on both platforms consistently. Overall, I'm very happy with how the app turned out. In future builds I would like to polish up some transitions and make the onboarding/help a little more robust.

Tech/Tools Used
React Native
VS Code
Adobe XD
Marana Parks & Recreation

Marana Parks & Recreation
