However important appears 
Your worldly experience, 
It is but a drop of water in a deep ravine. 
– Tokusan

    Using granular syntheses as both the basis for this audiovisual installation and as a metaphor to buddhist concepts, this project uses Max/MSP, ChucK and Processing to generate granular audio and visuals. The installation also has sand in front of the screen to augment the grain concept.
    ChucK uses different water samples, chops them into grains ranging from 40 to 400ms and plays a random number of them, one after the other. The result is a sound that closely resembles the sound of water in nature.
    Processing is used in a similar way, but chops a video file of Lake Ontario into ‘grains’. Each square grain is a section of a frame of the video. Thus it is not the video itself that is broken into individual grains, but the notion of time.
    The installation is controlled by a MIDI controller. MIDI signal is received by Max/MSP which then sends it to both ChucK and Processing via OSC. MIDI is used to control the volume of the water drops, seagul sound and ambient synth. It also triggers the playback of the ChucK grain synthesizer and the various parameters of the Processing program. 

Code (Audio)
Code (Video)
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Granular Water

Granular Water

Using granular syntheses as both the basis for this audiovisual installation and as a metaphor to buddhist concepts, this project uses Max/MSP, C Read More
