Bryan Duddles's profile

Bryan Duddles Portfolio

"Ant sized appetite" 11" x 14" is an original watercolor painting.
Line art drawing of Transformer Beast Wars "Cheetor" for Hasbro.
"Bryan Duddles - Cartoons" is an original self-promotional airbrush painting.
Digital color rendering of Disney "Paddle Balls" toys for Tootsietoy.
Pencil illustration of a Pinyon Pine tree, cone and seeds for the book "The Manitou Cliff Dwellings Edible, Medicinal and Craftmaking Guide to Natural Plants"
by Jennifer Hildebrandt
"When imagination leads you" 16" x 20" is an original watercolor painting.
Line art drawing, for product package, of a "Bubble Bow" toy for Tootsietoy.
"Little Buckaroo" 8" x 10" is an original watercolor painting.
Pencil drawing of a private residence.
Digital colored line art of an alligator salad chef for Shrimp's Restaurant menu.
Ancient hieroglyph line art depicting a traffic accident. This image appears in the book entitled:
"The Bad Driver’s Handbook Hundreds of Simple Maneuvers to Frustrate, Annoy, and Endanger Those Around You"
by Zack and Larry Arnstein
Santa Monica Press
Marker rendering of a Ferrari Testarossa slot car for Marchon Inc.
Bryan Duddles Portfolio

Bryan Duddles Portfolio

This portfolio contains cartoon, digital, line art, pen, pencil and watercolor references from Bryan Duddles.
