Order Taxi app
Here Technology has maps SDK that has a lot of functionalities in terms of navigation and moving from point A to B. I joined to this project which we created an app that allows for anyone order a taxi. While doing so the user sees some options from some taxi stations, see the price and ETA, and can order a taxi. In addition, there is an option to follow driver's location and see the ride status.

I was involved in this project from the beginning and created the UI from scratch to try and improve the SDK abilities. I worked on these scenarios:
1. Register and login to the app
2. Searching for a taxi
3. Ride status
4. Pre-booked rides

First scenario / Register and login to the app
Each user should have a unique user name and password. For this, the main app screen includes these two fields. User can move to the login page (if he is already a user) and vice-versa.
Second scenario / Searching for taxi
From the main app screen (below) the user can enter destination point. The app by default will order a taxi from the current user location, but user can change it anytime. When user enters an address he sees some results relevant to what he typed. 
User can also create pre-booked ride, which allows him to select at what date and hour he will need the taxi. There are other ride options that user can set up for the ride, like add his name and phone number so driver will be able to call him if needed. User can add note or mention some ride constrains as appears below:
Third scenario / Ride status
While a user selects the hour and time he wants the taxi will arrive, he can select between some taxi companies. He can see the name of the taxi station, the relevant hour and the estimated price. After ordering a taxi, the user can see the ride status changes in real time and be prepare for the ride. User can cancel a ride anytime from this screen.
Forth scenario / Pre-booked ride
We saw above that there is an option to order a taxi for another day and hour. This pre-booked rides appears for the user in the main screen. User can create more than one pre-book ride:
Order Taxi app

Order Taxi app
