This was a proposed project that I collaborated on with our mobile team. The team wanted to introduce 1-click checkout enable quicker purchase due to the nature of the flash sale environment. I provided the team with options for user flow, Axure walkthroughs, and final mocks.
Top Row: The approved experience uses a modified action sheet to make the shipping choices. This was a contested approach, as it wasn't truly 1-click (more like 1 1/2 clicks). I was able to push and gain approval for this approach by sharing alternate wireframes and mocks, showing the complexity of the experience once the additional buttons are added to the page.
Bottom Row: Additional pages that a user may encounter if 1-click has not been enabled or the item is sold out.
Early wireframes, shared with the mobile team to generate feedback. These represent the other button position options presented to the team. These wires were also built into Axure prototypes to show interactions.
Below are the user flows I worked on for this project. It started with some pencil and whiteboard sketching to see where the process could be simplified for the user.
User flows showing the different use cases for 1-click checkout.
Pencil sketching for additional use cases and processes further in the checkout pipeline.
MYHABIT Mobile 1-Click

MYHABIT Mobile 1-Click

Enabling 1-click checkout for mobile devices.
