Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide. The goal of Movember is to "change the face of men's health."

Growing a moustache is a spiritual experience & is always a conversation starter... Whether you're rocking a bad-ass slug - a slim, thin, not quite there - a walrus - a whispy - the salt n' pepper, or even a slightly seedy moustache - it engages conversation. And that leads to the pure point of this cause. Talking to your mates and asking if they're okay. We'd all do anything for our friends and family, we all know that. Though instead of dropping a complimentary like, text, or comical meme - reach out, talk face to face and make sure that your mates are indeed alright. To make this easier, we decided to collaborate with Burger Burger and design the mo-pro (Moustache Protector). Giving all the Mo Sista's, Mo Kids & Mo Bro's the moustache experience and wear a fat one at Burger Burger this year. Get your mates together, have a yarn & talk about ya bloody feelings.

Movember. Mo-Pro


Movember. Mo-Pro
