Profil von Kohina Ltd

Design of Fortum Headquarters

Case Fortum: New Office supports the Cultural Change

”Our new space enables us to work together in an open and creative manner and with people that have different competences. We can better utilize the potential that we have here.” 
- A Manager responsible for Corporate Relations, Communications and Security / Fortum

Fortum’s previous offices at Keilaniemi, Espoo no longer served the needs of the company’s continuously evolving processes and ways of working. In addition to the change in the physical location of the office, a massive, co-creative, change in the corporate culture that was to be done involving Fortum’s personnel. The schedule for developing the working environment was tight – the entire project, including the design of the space and processes for the new way of working, was to be carried out in about six months.

Fortum’s working environment was comprehensively developed and a new space program was created based on space utilization measurements, workplace surveys and co-creative workshops. Based on the co-creative design work, the new office space now supports Fortum’s business strategy and processes. In the new head office, visitors are welcomed at the beginning of the customer journey where they get to experience the interactive lighting piece, Transition Tunnel. They will also get to experience the Fortum showroom, which gives an overview of Fortum by showcasing videos, an interactive globe as well as a virtual reality experience on how energy production takes place around the world.
The new activity-based office includes spaces for silent working, interaction-focused zones, conference rooms of various sizes as well as smaller, more private spaces for ad hoc -meetings. After the change, Fortum’s versatile working environment enables a more agile working culture and supports open leadership and generating innovative ideas, without the hindrance of rigid hierarchies. The new office also represents the client’s renewed brand – the brand image was incorporated into the various aspects of the space by using different floor colors, room and customer journey symbols, signposts and graphic designs.
Year: 2018
Area: approximately 45 000 m² in the old office, 15 000 m² in the new office
Design of Fortum Headquarters

Design of Fortum Headquarters
