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閣樓寶藏巖青年會所 形象摺頁設計 / Brochure Design for Attic

ll  閣樓寶藏巖青年會所 形象摺頁設計 ll



The whole scenery of Treasure Hill was represented by the detailed illustration by free hand. The Attic Hostel is the most distinct part of the drawing. The other viewpoints including Treasure Temple, Wan-Sheng River, the grassland below and the riverbank with bicycle path, indicate the “genius loci” around the hostel. On the other hand, we want to show you the most unique spaces in the hostel by the plan of the building. From the sweet lobby to the private rooms, every corner here is worthy of exploring.

We would like to share all wonderful things that people can experience here for you. From here, everybody is able to find an exclusive secret corner easily. This Brochure, also as a poster, is a good start for understanding the Treasure Hill or Attic. At the same time, it is a memory container for visitors.
ll 寶藏巖聚落手繪圖 局部 ll
ll 手繪平面圖設計 ll
ll 插畫設計 ll
ll 戳章設計 ll
ll 閣樓寶藏巖青年會所 實景 ll

在地偏好 Topophilia Studio 出品  l  Illustrated by  Lin szu-chun , Littlesungirl
尺寸  l  50 x 36 cm 
產地  l  台灣  Made in Taiwan

©2018 Topophilia Studio
閣樓寶藏巖青年會所 形象摺頁設計 / Brochure Design for Attic

閣樓寶藏巖青年會所 形象摺頁設計 / Brochure Design for Attic

我們以精細的手繪插畫呈現寶藏巖聚落的全景風貌。由紅、藍、黃少許鹽色點綴的閣樓寶藏巖青年會所是視覺上的焦點,而圖中的寶藏廟、萬盛溪、大草原、自行車道以及新店溪河岸,則反映出閣樓周邊強烈的場所特性。另一方面,摺頁背面的手繪建築平面圖則詳實呈現出青年會所獨特的空間格局,從溫馨的接待廳到住客專屬的 Read More
