Profil von Vincenzo Parretta

Nuova Soverato - City Branding


Soverato is a town of 9.095 inhabitants.
The third most populated municipality in the province, it is located in the southern part of the Gulf of Squillace, about 30 km from the regional capital. In 2015 Soverato was awarded the Green Flag for the "child-friendly" beaches awarded by the Italian Pediatricians, confirming recognition in 2016 and 2017. In 2017 the Ionian City was awarded the Blue Flag, the authoritative European recognition awarded from the FEE.

Logo Concept

The essential elements taken into analysis, reinterpreted and combined for the construction of the brand are the following three:
1 The shield, the classical form in which the various heraldic coats of arms were inscribed.
2 The crown, already present in the historical symbol of Soveratese, is a symbol that in the past was assigned only to municipalities recognized as cities, the attribute could be assigned only by the king or the head of state.
3 The seahorse, given its presence on the coasts of the city, in inept clean sea, the city is often approached to this symbol.

The character chosen to approach the brand for the creation of the logo is Helvetica Neue, Bold body, later subjected to changes in line spacing and optical corrections.

Icons System

System of customized icons, useful to strengthen the identity of the place making stand out all points of attention of the city.
The tourist signs placed near the places of
attention or near bodies assigned to release goods and services, has the purpose of drawing the attention of visitors, so that they can identify all that the city makes available without too much difficulty, not making indispensable use of the telephone. The use of the icons in this case can be combined, as in the last example.

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Nuova Soverato - City Branding


Nuova Soverato - City Branding

Soverato City Branding. Soverato is a small city of south Italy, the work developed as a degree project and later donated to the town council.
