Six flyers I made for my old chillout party Undercity: sigh, do I ever miss it, four excellent years at Halcyon, an amazing little lounge in Brooklyn, with soooo much bass, but you never really had to raise your voice. those truly were the days. Village Voice called us "the city's best chillout hang", and they were right.

Last one first (2004), then the logo (hint, it says Undercity in the holes), then all the way back to the first one (2000). Earlier ones were 1/4 page, later we went to 1/8 page size.

Spinoza went on to run The Bunker, NYC's best techno party, and it is still going damn strong.
Undercity flyers


Undercity flyers

six flyers and logo I designed for my old chillout party Undercity
