Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 
Knobbly carrots, wonky potatoes, odd over grown apples and discoloured bananas are often considered as ‘imperfect’. Supermarkets and grocery stores are bound to follow the cosmetic standards laid out by the government, which implies they are not allowed to accept overgrown not ‘perfect’ looking produce from farmers. The standards are conformed to the exact shape and size of the fruit or vegetable by passing them through a stencil like frame of the ‘Perfect” shape. To refrain people from using these tools that decide which produce is suitable to consume or not, this tool concept is meant to show the consumers how it is unnecessary to follow through with these superficial conformities and embrace all shapes and sizes of fruits and vegetables as their nutritional value is exactly the same. The measuring tool set consists of one industry standard measuring tool and one normal-looking measuring tool but with the true value in fruits selection as measuring units.
Collaboration with
Imad Khoury
Pooja Parekh
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A tool concept is meant to show the consumers how it is unnecessary to follow through with these superficial conformities and embrace all shapes Ver mais

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