The Tabloid: The Seven Heavenly Virtues
For this project we were asked to develop a series of seven graphic compositions to communicate the seven deadly sins, or heavenly virtues. The compositions would be used to create a 20 page, digitally printed tabloid. I chose to focus on the Seven Heavenly Virtues which were derived from a poem written by Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (c. 410 CE) entailing a battle of good virtues and evil vices. It is believed that practicing these virtues will protect one against temptation from the Seven Deadly Sins.

The format for the tabloid was as follows:

Front Cover: Our choice for composition
Chastity: Two or more scanned images from previously printed matter (books, magazines, papers, packaging, etc.) Black and white or monotone (one color) throughout composition.
Temperance: Any vector or combination of vector graphics. Can be found, found and altered, or hand generated. Black and white, or color (combination can be used). 
Charity: Personal full-color photograph(s) - w/filter, manipulation (optional).
Diligence: Personal photograph(s) - duotone (two-color), or tritone selective color.
Patience: Scanned 3D object(s) - color, or black and white
Kindness: Found photograph (b&w/color) and hand-generated text.
Humility: Constructed Image - all elements/text in a single photograph. 

We were asked to create cohesion throughout the composition and include a theme for our project. My ultimate goal was to provide graphic compositions that touched on motherhood and children. 

Below are the first few pages of my composition.
Photo provided by Bethany Jackman Photography. Hand generated quote by Aristotle.
Explanation of the Seven Heavenly Virtues and its origin.
For Chastity, I wanted to think of something that had to do with purity. What is the most pure form in the world? I ultimately concluded that newborn babies represent a form of chastity or purity. Through my research of images from several books I came across a book from Anne Geddes called, "Pure". This image not only represented a newborn, but also included a mother that also visually represented purity.

For my second image, I decided to find a texture that represented purity. Lace immediately came to mind and I was able to find several images of lace in printed books. After scanning the image I created a border on the vertical sides of the Anne Geddes image.
Spread 1: Two scanned images from previously printed books
For the second spread, I thought of a mother. How do mothers show self-restraint in their every day life? There were several images that came to mind, but I though of a mother doing yoga with chaos around her. I was able to find these vector illustrations online. After purchasing them, I altered them and created the background. 
Spread 2: Vector Illustrations purchased by MichikoDesign and then altered.
For Charity I wanted to provide imagery of a child giving. I thought about using a donation box with toys and children's items to represent Charity, but ultimately the image below seemed to capture what I was going for. I was able to photograph my son with a mason jar full of money.
Spread 3: Personal photograph taken of my son.
Please feel free to look through the image below for the entire digital Tabloid.
To view more on my process for this project, please click here.
PR3: The Tabloid

PR3: The Tabloid
