Mad Science! by: Isaac Wynzel, Kireh Reevey, and Aaron Robley

In Mad Science, you are a group of scientists tasked with creating creatures that can survive in crazy environments. You are given cards with wacky body parts and it is your task to create the perfect creature and pitch it to the judge. May the best creature win!
In this project, I was a game designer, and worked on the rules of the game and conceptualizing the game, as well as designing cards.
Aaron was a game designer and worked on conceptualizing and helping with the cards.
Kireh was a game designer and worked on creating cards and conceptualizing. 
This image is a picture of one of the cards. This card was a negative feature that was drawn during the preparation phase. This card is a fat, larger animal, which the team would have to incorporate that into their drawing.
All images are placeholders until we can create our own artwork.
Here are some more images of cards we used.
Mad Science!

Mad Science!
