Profil von Jorge Duarte Sá


Territory, Atelier, Model, Hand (2018).
Título: Progetto as a theme
Autor(es): Jorge Sá, João Rocha, João Soares
Editor(es): GAA Foundation, European Cultural Centre
Data: 24-Mai-2018
Editora: Veneza: GAA Foundation - European Cultural Centre
Citação: Rocha, João.; Soares, João.; Sá, Jorge (2018). “Progetto as a theme”, In, Time Space Existence. Venice: Published by GAA Foundation - European Cultural Center. pp:408-409. ISBN:978-90-826559-3-3
“Progetto, one of the words we often use. But what is the really meaning of this word? [M. Cacciari 06.58]. The necessity of an embodiment of progetto is thus pursued at our Design Studios, on both Master and PhD levels. The act of travelling along the territory as a method to create an architectural memory and to find new themes that could give other meanings to the progetto. What is really important is to have a good pair of boots which can takes us wherever we want [D. Belo 1:18:19]. This timeless poetic of space finds also echoes in Carrilho da Graça´s words, I do an enormous effort to rationalize reality, but with the consciousness that is almost an impossible task, [JLCG 21.15]. To position an architectural reflection and critical discourse within this context is giving to progetto a form of ethical responsibility, a reevaluation of heritage and of landscape use and at the same time, to include its values in our contemporary thought.”


