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BEYOND | Paper Animation

The animation is our take on a quote by Damian Marley. 

‘Your body’s just a vehicle, transporting the soul. 
It’s what’s inside of people, is beauty to behold.’ 

This thought led us to our story set at an airport, where our protagonist leaves this world and all her material possessions, as well as her superficial identity. As she passes through airport security, she lets go of the following things and reveals her true self, an orb of energy: 

Backpack- Emotional baggage and burden 
Money- Material possessions and greed 
Keys- Home and a sense of belonging 
Watch- Time and mortality 
ID- Identity and hierarchy in society 
Phone- Memories and relationships 
Clothes- Vanity and shame 
Eyes- Judgment and human conditioning 
Skin- Demographic segregation and protection 
Flesh and Bones- Tangibility and structure 

After letting go of her worldly possessions, she boards a plane with other souls like her.
BEYOND | Paper Animation

BEYOND | Paper Animation

The animation is our take on a quote by Damian Marley. ‘Your body’s just a vehicle, transporting the soul. It’s what’s inside of people, is bea Read More
