2O17  Design Challenge

This is a year long project inspired by an article I read about a graphic designer who challenged himself to post a non-work related design post on dribble every day for an entire year. In fact I think this design challenge then becomes quite popular among the design industry.
I knew with my work schedule I would never be able to come up with one design a day; so I decided to challenge myself to design a poster a week for the year of 2017.
However regrettably I am here to tell you that I have failed miserably.
Not only because work got in the way but also because I would become obsessed with certain week’s design and then it would evolve into a complex design that would take me month(s) to complete.
For a year (365 days) I should have 52 designs if I finish a design once a week.
Sadly I only completed 18 designs. And I even cheated on some of them, since some of them are elements I worked on at work or concepts I recycled from work projects.

But with these 18 posters I have somehow documented one of the most important years in my design career,
the year of 2017.

這個耗時一年的作品靈感來自於一篇文章關於一個平面設計師挑戰自己一年內在dribble每天上傳一個和工作不相關的設計 (一年共365個作品),這個設計挑戰現在好像也在設計界頗有名氣。

但是透過這18個作品我卻碰巧的紀錄了我設計生涯中很重要的一年: 2017

In 2017 I experimented with different techniques like watercolor and calligraphy in my works, and more importantly I started learning Sketchup and blender 3D. I am still not an expert in 3D in any way, but learning how to create three dimensional art opened up a whole new door to me in terms of design. And work-wise because I learned how to use 3D software,  I was able to design more complex signage and feature walls.

在2017這一年裡我實驗了許多不同的技法,包括書法.水彩等,而最重要的在這一年我開始學習Sketchup 和 blender3D 等軟體。對於3D軟體我還是相當初階但光是學習如何製作立體的作品就對我在設計這一行開啟了立一扇大門,工作方面也由於我開始使用了3D繪圖軟體我能夠設計更多立體招牌.造型牆等作品。

Here are some stills from the posters:

The Exhibition

Then I decided to create an exhibition to showcase the product of this design challenge.
I built the exhibition in 3D with a glass centerpiece to anchor the room.


The Glass Centerpiece

The glass centerpiece is the first thing the viewer sees when he walks into the exhibition. The installation plays with perspective and when one sees it straight-on the numbers 2O17 appears to be parallel to each other, like the numbers in the posters. But as the viewer start to walk around the room he would discover that the numbers are actually in glass boxes with different placement and slightly different in sizes so from the front they would appear to be parallel. This way the glass centerpiece becomes a 360 degree experience, it would look different from every angle.



The design concepts and final products of these 18 posters can be seen on the issuu E-book:

Lastly let us take a closer look at the products of the 2017 Design Challenge:


Thank You

I had a wonderful year with this design challenge and I hope you enjoyed watching them as well.

2017 Design Challenge

2017 Design Challenge

This is a year long project inspired by an article I read about a graphic designer who challenged himself to post a non-work related design post Rozwiń
