sko two-point-o
publication design

SKO, in other words studio knowledge object is a reflection piece of work that related to my personal experience over the last semester of doing a particular studio. In this case Command P, a studio based on publication and print design. In this publication I talk about the lessons I’ve learned, mistakes I’ve made and things I have improved on and how I will apply these skills to my future practice.

SKO 2.0 is a perfect bound A5 publication created utilising test printed paper. In a studio where the name is Command Print, you end up printing a lot of test work in progress pages for each publication you design. At the end of my second project I realised I had way too many sheets of paper from every stage of my project and I didn’t want to throw them all out. I found out that Victoria doesn’t recycle paper and so the guilt of accumulating so much paper was real. I decided to re-purpose it instead. The whole publication is created out of these test prints that I have accumulated over time, ranging from dust jacket testing, print alignment test sheets to general black and white prints with notes scribbled over them. Everything is recycled apart from the few new pages that are printed on a transparent stock. If you pay close attention to each page you will see some development over time, and if that’s not your thing you can just enjoy the composition and layouts of each page and photographs that cover them.
sko two-point-o

sko two-point-o
