Apprendre autrement / Learn differently
Diploma project, june 2014

As part of my 5th year degree, I wanted towork on active pedagogies and the impact of design
in the conception of the tools that support them.
Through the research carried out for the writing of my dissertation, I retraced the history of this stream
of pedagogical thoughts and became acquainted with the ideas of its main thinkers. I gave an overview
of various school, institutional and associative initiatives that implemented the principles of active pedagogy in order to assess in which way the design allowed the pedagogical intentions of the mediators to be overcome.
The observation of a pronounced absence of designers in the development teams of the educational devices conceived by  small structures led me for my project of diploma to produce a series of workshops for children of 7 to 11 years old around the theme of the night. My objective in these workshops is to offer innovative devices whose form meets the expectations of active pedagogies and which allow to transmit knowledge while adopting a global approach that combines individual emancipation and integration in society. These workshops are accompanied by mediation tools for the mediators who will lead these workshops.
I was able to test the prototypes of mediation activities and tools in the Scouting movement, where I was involved in order to evaluate their relevance and their modularity according to the pedagogical situation.

1. Sleeping animals
2 A2 trays, 16 thumbnails
Workshop to discover the animal's positions and duration of sleep through a reflection on their way of life.

2. Sleep Disorders
A3 tray, 13 thumbnails on both sides
Room to be recomposed thanks to the vignettes to set the ideal conditions of falling asleep.

3. The Sleep Cycle
Ipad application
Application in 2 stages with a phase of exploration of the human body through the change of the constants during the phases of awakening, slow sleep or paradoxical sleep, and a quiz to exercise the logical spirit.

4. Dreams
Ipad application
Application to discover the functioning of dreams and their roles through recording and listening to the dreams of the children of the previous group and animations.
5. The Monsters
10 A5 screen printed, drawing material
Workshop where children draw their monsters using modules and then discover monsters of popular culture.

6. Mediating Documents
Serigraphy edition with 4 leaflets, 1  A1 poster
An edition comes to present the project to the mediator and is complemented by 4 leaflets, one for each module of activities. These leaflets specify the objectives, activities, workshops, but also give prior knowledge and useful advices to the mediator to carry them out.
The front of the poster is used to give an overview of the series of workshops to the children, while the reverse side is intended for adults (mediators or parents) to introduce the concepts discussed in each module.

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