Intro To Fireside:

Wildfires are a huge issue, especially in the Pacific Northwest Region of the United States and Canada. Wildfires are one of the only type of natural disasters that are started and caused by human negligence, which means that there are steps that we can all take in order to avoid or at the least reduce this issue. The simple solution is to extinguish your campfire flames. If everyone would commit to being vigilant and cautious over negligence, then the world would burn a lot less. Wildfires do more than just damage a forest. Wildfires can take the lives of humans, animals, and plants, while also destroying homes and causing lung damage. 

Fireside is all about campfire safety and being cautious. Fireside strategically has placed marketing materials that campers will be able to see and interact with in order to remind them at every turn to extinguish their campfire flames. Fireside will partner with national parks and state parks to sell fire supplies with reminders on them. By purchasing these necessary materials for fire building, Fireside will actually use the profits to rebuild and recover destroyed structures. 

In order to portray the severity of the issue, I used copy that was a bit harsh in order to be a little more aggressive and impactful. I chose to create eye-catching illustrations that are also very simple because the solution to this problem is simple: extinguish your flames. As I did with the illustrations, I kept the logo super simple and memorable. I found the simplest way to represent a tiny campsite, and the elements in the logo can be found throughout the rest of the campaign. I used the color red to represent the importance, severity, and to represent fire. I chose to go with a corporate look, which I think will give this campaign credibility. 

Overall, Fireside will be successful because of the spaces that it targets its audience as well as being memorable with a simple call to action. Repetition of the message “Extinguish Your Campfire Flames” will catch on as more people view this campaign and its materials. This project allowed me to breakthrough a barrier in my normal design approach, which has been super exciting/rewarding.