Profil Lidia LukianovaProfil Brian Kekoa Yap

Beck poster for Adobe MAX 2018

Photoshop Sketch
Beck poster for Adobe MAX Bash 2018
Augmented Reality poster created for the musical performance at the Adobe MAX 
Adobe MAX continues to be a celebration of all types of creativity and because of that, we were inspired this year to explore a new direction for the poster given to attendees after the MAX Bash party. 

The poster was created by hand-building a wooden sculpture, photographing it to create the offset printed poster, then using that image as a trigger to reveal augmented content in the form of typographic animations. 

Lidia Lukianova and Brian Yap collaborated on every stage or the process, with special thanks to Mama's Sauce printing for the printed piece, HP Reveal for the platform for the augmented content and of course Beck for the musical inspiration. 
Here are some close-up images of the build. The piece was created with wood blocks for the isometric lettering and thin wood veneer for most of the rest. It was hand-cut and glued and the sculpture itself is about 3ft. high, 2ft. wide and 3ft. deep.
This quick video shows some of the piece up close, along with the animation that you can experience on your mobile device when you view the poster through the HP Reveal app. 
The original sketch was done in Adobe Sketch on the iPad pro. Once the sculptural style developed more, it felt like adding the animals would be overwhelming and busy, but the design and concept in the sketch created by Lidia, held as the guide throughout the build. 
Beyond that, many of the creative decisions were made in process, both of us being new to the technique and what we could do with it. Hours of trial and error and fingers covered in superglue went into the end result - but it was well worth it. 
Once the piece was finished we set up for photography and even created a few color lighting tests which became part of the final augmented content. 
Below is the animation that you see when you view the AR content in the poster. 
A quick video pan of the whole piece, which we took to Adobe MAX in Los Angeles to display during the conference.
Augmented reality allows us to create animated content that appears when you view the poster through and AR app like HP Reveal. It locks to the shape of the poster and has created an exciting tool for us to feel like we are bringing the printed poster to life. See either of our profiles for a few more examples of this type of work. 
This was a limited edition print with just enough being made to give to attendees of the conference, but be sure to follow @byap, @lidia.lukianova and @mamassauce on instagram in case we find extras and have a chance to give a few away online. Thanks!
Beck poster for Adobe MAX 2018

Projekt byl vytvořen pro

Beck poster for Adobe MAX 2018

Beck AR poster for Adobe MAX 2018
